EEC-IV first appeared in 1983 on 2.3L EFI Turbo and 2.8L truck engines, based on the Intel 8061 chip. The first EEC-IV module had an "edge" connector, but all future modules useda "through hole" IC package with staggered pins on all 4 edges. The EEC-IV unit was used on until late 90s, and includes the L-series (LA2 / LB2 / LA3 / LB3 / 8UA) EFI computers.
On the 5L Mustang, the EEC-IV (Electronic Engine Control, version 4) is located behind the passenger side kick panel. EEC-IV features can vary by year or model, but for the Mustang, the EEC-IV has the ability to record and store data from up to 80 start-up cycles in its memory. Additionally the EEC-IV runs a continuous self-test during normal operation, and errors detected will be stored in the EEC's Keep Alive Memory, or KAM.
These codes can then be extracted from the KAM for later diagnosis. The codes are referred to as "Continuous Memory Codes" and are stored in the KAM until they are overwritten, or the EEC-IV loses power for more than 10 minutes (disconnected battery). When these codes are downloaded from the KAM, they will be displayed in a "morse-code" like fashion. The EEC-IV emits pulses to represent these numeric codes; for example, two pulses, a short pause, then four more pulses would signal a code 24.
These codes may then be read from the ECU/EEC using one of three different methods. By connecting to the EEC-IV test wiring harness and the Self-Test Input connector, you can extract codes using either: an analog volt-meter, the car's "Check Engine" light, or a commercial code scanner.
Abbreviation | Definition |
A/C | Air Conditioning |
ACCS | A/C Cycling Switch |
ACC | A/C Clutch Compressor |
ACT | Air Charge Temperature sensor |
ACV | Thermactor Air Control Valve |
AXOD | Automatic Transaxle Overdrive |
BOO | Brake On/Off switch |
BP | Barometric Pressure sensor |
CANP | Canister Purge solenoid |
CCO | Converter Clutch Override |
CFI | Central Fuel Injection |
CID | Cylinder Identification sensor |
CKT | Circuit |
DIS | Direct Ignition System |
DVOM | Digital Volt/Ohm Meter |
ECA | Electronic Control Assembly (processor, computer) |
ECT | Engine Coolant Temperature sensor |
EDF | Electric Drive Fan relay assembly |
EED | Electronic Engine Control |
EGO | Exhaust Gas Oxygen sensor (see HEGO) |
EGR | Exhaust Gas Recirculation system |
EGRC | EGR Control solenoid or system |
EGRV | EGR Vent solenoid or system |
EVP | EGR Position sensor |
EVR | EGR Valve Regulator |
FI | Fuel Injector or Fuel Injection |
FP | Fuel Pump |
FPM | Fuel Pump Monitor |
GND or GRND | Ground |
HEDF | High Speed Electro Drive Fan relay or circuit |
HEGO | Heated EGO sensor |
HEGOG | HEGO Ground circuit |
HO | High Output |
HSC | High Swirl Combustion, engine type |
IDM | Ignition Diagnostic Module |
IGN | Ignition system or circuit |
INJ | Injector or Injection |
ISC | Idle Speed Control |
ITS | Idle Tracking Switch |
KAM | Keep Alive Memory |
KAPWR | Keep Alive Power |
KOEO | Key On Engine Off |
KOER | Key On Engine Running |
KS | Knock Sensor |
L | Liter(s) |
LOS | Limited Operation Strategy (computer function) |
LUS | Lock-Up Solenoid |
MAF | Mass Air Flow sensor, meter or circuit |
MA PFI | Mass Air Sequential Port Fuel Injection system |
MCU | Microprocessor Control Unit |
MIL | Malfunction Indicator Light |
MPFI | Multi Port Fuel Injection |
NDS | Neutral Drive Switch |
NGS | Neutral Gear Switch |
NPS | Neutral Pressure Switch |
OCC | Output Circuit Check |
OHC | Over Head Camshaft (engine type) |
OSC | Output State Check |
PFE | Pressure Feedback EGR sensor or circuit |
PFI | Port Fuel Injection |
PIP | Profile Ignition Pickup |
PSPS | Power Steering Pressure Switch |
PWR GND | Power Ground circuit |
RWD | Rear Wheel Drive |
SC | Super Charged (engine type) |
SIG RTN | Signal Return circuit |
SIL | Shift Indicator Light |
SPOUT | Spark Output Signal from ECA |
SS 3/4 - 4/3 | Shift Solenoid circuit |
STAR | Self Test Automatic Readout (test equipment) |
STI | Self Test Input circuit |
STO | Self Test Output circuit |
TAB/TAD | Thermactor Air Bypass/Diverter Tandem soleniod valves |
TFI | Thick Film Ignition system |
TGS | Top Gear Switch (cancels SIL operation in top gear) |
THS | Transmission Hydraulic Switch |
TP/TPS | Throttle Position Sensor |
TTS | Transmission Temperature Switch |
VAF | Vane Air Flow sensor or circuit |
VAT | Vane Air Temperature |
VBATT | Vehicle Battery Voltage |
VM | Vane Meter |
VOM | Analog Volt/Ohm Meter |
VPWR | Vehicle Power supply voltage (regulated 10-14 volts) |
VREF | Voltage Reference (ECA supplied reference voltage 4-6 volts) |
VSC | Vehicle Speed Control sensor or signal |
VSS | Vehicle Speed Sensor or signal |
WAC | WOT A/C Cut-off switch or circuit |
WOT | Wide Open Throttle |
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